Saturday, March 22, 2014

Movie morning: Leave her to Heaven

Fact: When you get old you get a big kid job with a big kid salary.

Fact: Regardless of that salary and how much more it is than the little money you scrapped in college, you're still broke.


Do you know how many thousands of movies play on TMC that I haven't seen? So. Many.

With that, my movie of the morning is Leave Her to Heaven from 1945.

THIS MOVIE IS INSANE. There are so many twists and turns and crazy events that my jaw was on the floor the entire time. I really can't stop gushing about this movie.

A writer meets a beautiful young woman on a train (cue romance). They fall in love and are soon married.

Gene Tierney plays the young woman, Ellen and is one of the most stunning women of old hollywood in my opinion. She however has one fatal flaw, She loves too much.

Ellen's love for Richard is an obsessive, possessive one, much like the love she had for her father who died and who Richard happens to look much like (creepy). Ellen wants Richard all to herself and resents anyone who even remotely takes a place in his life and heart, even if his love for that person is not a romantic one, even his career.

Now my home girl Ellen does some seriously insane things to get rid of all the "obstacles" that are taking up her husbands time. I'll give you a few pictures to let your mind wander but you'll just have to check it out and to see. It's basically Scandal meets Wisteria Lane meets Law and order. I'll let that marinate, now go get some pop corn and watch it. Here is the link to the full movie on youtube in case you can't find it anywhere.

Monday, March 17, 2014

When makeup attacks

Fact: I spend a lot of money on things that some people use as their budget cutting area. Such as cleaning supplies, makeup, hair care and basically anything that touches my body. 


Your skin absorbs up to 60% of what ever you put on it and quite frankly I don't like the idea of drinking formaldehyde so why would I let my skin soak it in?

My mom recently went to a dermatologist to get your average everyday facial. Her Derm. asked what she used on her face and my mom instantly replied marykay. She's been using it since the 90s. It was a good product, we lived in the middle of no where so it was accessible and had a great girl power vibe to it. Fast forward to 2001; Mary Kay Ash dies and leaves the company to her sons, they cut corners to make money and now my moms dermatologist is telling her it's one of the worst products for your skin. Que full panic.

Popular wide spread companies like Revlon and L'Oreal put preservatives in their make-up that is linked to cancer and reproductive health issues.
"Both companies continue to use Quaternium-15 and DMDM hydantoin -- preservatives that slowly release formaldehyde. Health experts classify formaldehyde as a carcinogen when inhaled.
What’s more, Revlon and L’Oreal continue to use long-chain parabens as preservatives as well. Some parabens are endocrine-disruptors—that is, they interfere with the hormones that regulate the development and growth of our reproductive system." (Click for source)

A lot of these companies are even blocking legislation that would help regulate the cosmetic industry and call for more FDA approval according to the Wall street journal

I found this handy dandy little chart for you from the good people at Mind Body Green. They're sort of like the Yoga version of Real Simple. It's 12 things you should try to avoid in your makeup.

Crazy huh.

If your curious about your own makeup you can go to and type in your product and it'll tell you if it you're in the clear or not.

I'm not saying go break the bank on some new makeup. Just be aware of what your buying and is $5 really that much when it going to be sucked in to your body and cause who knows what?

I'm back!

Hey everyone!
Long time to type/read! Sorry I've been away for so long, I've been busy graduating and getting a job and all that fun adult stuff.

Few random facts.
1) I live on the east coast now. (whoop whoop)
2) I have a big girl job now. (tripple whoop whoop)
3) I have a fancy pants big girl apartment.
4) I have momentarily lapses in self control where I almost buy a cat, about 3 times a week.
5) Everyone I know in life is allergic cats keeping me from doing the above #4.

Friday, November 2, 2012

One day at a time.

Hey guys! My sister is one of the greatest people I know. Really. She tops the list at funniest person I know, smartest person I know, kindest person I know, the categories go on and on. She's really one of those people I try and be like (even though she's my little sister). Well I've been pretty stressed recently and I was talking to her about it. She's one of those people who can really put things into perspective for me. She sent me this scripture about mid-freakout and I liked it so much I decided to share it all with you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mixing textures: Sparkles

Hi dears! So as you know this whole "sparkle" trend is growing on me now that Taylor Swift has again switched her style and pretty much put up the sparkle-- CLICK HERE-- to read my sisters opinion on T-Swizz. I heard her argue this all the way from California to Kansas so, it's nice to see her finally put it in writing for others, besides me to hear. Any way back to sparkles, with my new job I'm definitely more inclined to give sparkles a chance. I figured if I toned it down with some matte cottons and used muted colors A.D.D. people would only stare at my disco ball of a shirt if there wasn't anything else of interest in the room. (5 seconds tops) Here are some looks I found that are subtle but still definitely sparkly. Hope ya digg.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

How to wear: Fall/Winter Socks

Hi all! So, a little update--that goes along with this post-- I now work at the Buckle. Yes, I've finally bit the bullet and decided to be a big girl and get into the industry and leave my beloved coffee job behind.
The other day I was talking to a customer who was trying on her first pair of skinny jeans. Yes, apparently there are some people out there who have never tried them on before. Well, she was seeming less than confident even though her legs looked crazy awesome in them. She also had a pair of cowboy boots on with them and I suggested to her that she could wear boot socks with them and be warmer and switch up her look a little. She looked at me in utter confusion, she had no idea what I was talking about. Then I was talking it over with my manager and friend and they said that TONS of girls have no idea how to wear socks in the fall or that it's even a possibility.
Now I'm all about socks and legwarmers as you all know so I found some great looks to go into the fall and winter (depending on your weather) with socks. GET COZY IN SOME SOCKS!